Storm Strike sighed heavily, laying down with Starsong pressed to her chest. “FINALLY, they’re asleep!”
“Hush,” Blossomforth quickly quieted her daughter as Starflower squirmed in her hooves. “If you want them to stay asleep, you have to be quiet or you’ll wake them back up.” The white pegasus gently stroked Starflower’s mane, but felt a pang of guilt upon noticing her daughter cringe.
“For Celestia’s sake, mom.” Storm’s throat tightened. “I can’t do this. I can’t do anything right.”
“I can’t even put a baby to sleep,” Storm continued through the lump in her throat. “I-I‘m not cut out for this. I’m too young, too dumb to be a parent.” She looked down at the sleeping foal between her forelegs and swallowed hard. “T-they really deserve better…”
“Storm!” Blossomforth interrupted gently. “Enough with this down talk. Your situation is special. You had less time to prepare for motherhood, so it’s completely natural to feel a little lost. Heck, you and Feather were planned, and I still felt helpless when your father was away at Wonderbolt practices!” She gave a sweet smile. “You’ve had Starsong and Starflower for hardly six months. You have to be less hard on yourself; adjusting is difficult for everypony.”
Starflower snuggled closer to her grandmare, who looked down at her with so much love and affection that Storm gave a weak smile toward her mother and daughter.
“You have so many ponies who love and care about you. You don’t have to go through this alone, Stormy.” She laid a gentle kiss on Starflower’s forehead. “With the help of everypony who loves you, which is more than I can count, we will get through this. I can’t think of a better home for these beautiful fillies to grow up in.”
“You really think so?” Storm asked. “You really think I can do it?” Despite her weak smile, Blossomforth could tell she was still feeling unsure about herself.
“I know you can. We can. Together.” Blossomforth nodded. “You’re an ambitious, fiery young mare. You have every potential to still chase your dreams. I know you want to follow in Dad’s hoofprints, and there’s nothing stopping you. Rainbow Dash is a mother, and she’s still a Wonderbolt. If you work hard enough, you’ll be in the ‘Bolts in no time.” Blossomforth’s eyes glittered with pride. “The Storm Strike I know and love would never give up, even with a setback like this. Are you really going to let two tiny fillies crush the dreams you’ve had since you were a filly?”
Storm thought for a moment, looking down at the foal in her arms. “No. No I won’t. I don’t want to give up on this, not now!” Starsong squirmed, and she softened a little. “But I guess that’ll have to wait…”
“Maybe so. But a little practice now and then will definitely help. Tell you what, why don’t you go out for the day tomorrow and do what you want? I know this is tough on you, and I have experience with feisty twins.” Blossomforth winked, chuckling. “But if you want to stay in with us, that would be fine too. A girls’ night, of sorts. I could make dinner and we could watch a movie. You did seem a bit out of practice when you flew out to greet me…” The white pegasus teased, cracking a smile.
“Heh, yeah,” Storm chuckled. “I’d love that. But first,” She yawned and laid her head down. “I think I’ll need to catch up on some Z’s before I can do anything.”
“I agree. You deserve some rest. Here, I’ll take Starsong and you can go to bed for the night. The babies will be safe with me while you get some energy back.”
Storm yawned, gently giving Starsong to her mother. “I don’t doubt that their grandmare will take good care of them.” She glanced over her shoulder and gave the most genuine smile Blossomforth had seen from her daughter since the birth of the twins. “Thank you, mom.”