Sprinkle Pie just wanted to help. She was an Apple after all. Maybe. The details are hazy but she is sure Mama said the Pies and Apples are one, big family. The white unicorn shot out of bed at the first peak of sunlight and bee lined straight to Sweet Apple Acres. Today was the start of Apple Bucking Season, when all Apple family associates help out on farms. When Sprinkle arrived, she noticed she was the first one out. Oh well, better get to working.
Ginger left the house ready for a long, hard day of apple bucking. She was still a bit groggy this early in the morning, and only half paying attention to where she’s going. Slowly she made her way to the West Orchard. It was smaller than the others and perfect for a pony of her size. Ma had tasked her with bucking the whole thing by herself, to prove she was ready for more important farm work. Ready to start her training, ready to take over the farm, to become the heiress of Sweet Apple Acres. Ginger readied herself for the first tree and kicked it as hard as she could. But no apples? What?? Somepony had gone and bucked this tree? And the next??
“Hiya Gigi!” the white unicorn was prancing about the orchard, apples levitating around her, “Glad to see you’re up!”
Ginger stared blankly at her distant cousin. Why was SHE in HER _orchard?? Sprinkle didn’t notice and continued working, a whole tree’s worth of apples following behind. _How am I s’pposed to prove myself NOW? I can’t buck the whole orchard if Sprinkle already started! Ma will probably train HER to take over the farm. Look how easy apple bucking is with her fancy magic. She probably thinks she’s better than me! Nopony’s better than ME!! This invader HAD to GO!
“You need to leave,” Ginger muttered under her breath.
“Hmm? Say something”
“You need to leave,” louder this time.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Am I in your way?”
“You’re not s’pposed to be here! Leave!”
Sprink had never heard her cousin speak this way. Not at her at least, usually at others who call her small or cute. “What do you-”
“Leave! NOW!”
Yea these two didn’t have the best relationship growing up. It took years before Sprinkle was even comfortable walking past Sweet Apple Acres. When Applejack heard about this, she gave Ginger quite the talkin to. How dare she speak to kin like that?
Ginger Apple is the daughter of AJ & Trenderhoof
Sprinkle Pie is the daughter of Pinkie Pie & Donut Joe