Lady: [to the stallions she was talking to] S’cuse me boys, this lil lady’s gotta get a drink~
Walks over to the bar and hopes up onto a stool
Lady: Horace honey, might I bother you for a mango daiquiri?
Horace: No problem, Lady!
???:Make that two daiquiris please, Horace. On my tab
Horace: Of course Miss Uppercrust.
Lady: Do my eyes deceive me?! Miss Uppercrust, how are you doing???
Uppercrust: Ah yes, Little Lady if I do recall. Your father used to go on and on about you. Said you were gonna be the next big thing. And he wasn’t wrong.
Lady: Yes. Daddy was quite the chatterbox.
Uppercrust: My condolences to your family by the way. I was speaking with an acquaintance whom relayed to me about his passing.
Lady: Thank you kindly, miss Uppercrust. Cancer’s a true scourge on this world. I’ll miss my ol’ pa dearly.
Uppercrust: And yet you’re at a mere fashion show and not with your family? If I recall, his service was today.
Lady: Yes well…I have my reasons. Daddy always told me to remember him with love and not grief.
Uppercrust: And yet you saw so little of him over the past few years. Nevertheless, time’s arrow marches on.
Horace: [passes the ladies a drink]
Uppercrust: Here’s to hoping the next decades are good to your mudhorse mother.
Uppercrust leaps elegantly off her stool and returns to an eager group of royals. Her return is met with cheers as her daughter Belle Glitterati nods affectionately in her direction.
Horace: Don’t listen to her, Lady. Misery likes company and Crusty ain’t nothin’ less then a miser.
Lady: I’m charmed Horace. Don’t worry none about little ol’ me. Mind pouring me a vodka?
Horace: Long night ahead, eh?
Lady: Don’t you know it.
Later that night Lady would dream of her family back in Ponyville. The disapproving eyes of her aunt and mama with her dad standing mere inches away. Sockets empty with an eternal hollow stare. Little Lady never attended her own father’s funeral. When she’d returned home a week earlier before he’d passed she realized how alienated from her family she was. Jet Set sang her praises but was aware that Lady had a lot of relationships to mend. He didn’t want to see his baby girl in pain and insisted she head back to Canterlot before he passed. However now Lady isn’t sure if that was the right decision. Guilt likes the real-estate it occupies in Lady’s mind. Also Uppercrust is a terrible pony in the Roseverse~!