“And there it was, guys. The sonic rainboom! Nopony had even come close to breaking the sound barrier before, not before Grandma. Do you know how hard it is to do that?” Cotton Tuft’s face glowed with pride and determination as she excitedly recounted the story to her friends. With every word, she felt herself climbing higher up the awesomeness ladder. She would be the coolest filly on this side of Equestria in no time.
”Whoa!” Her friends sat slack-jawed. “Rainbow Dash is your grandma? The Captain of the Wonderbolts?”
”Hay yeah!” Cotton grinned. “And with her genes, I’m gonna do a sonic rainboom too! Just you wait!”
Cotton continued telling tales of her grandmother’s accomplishments, basking in her friends’ awe and praise. It felt good to be in the cool crowd. Suddenly, however, the living room door opened to reveal a pony in a ridiculous-looking clown costume. Her mother…
“Hey there! You kids having fun?”
”Mom!” Cotton jumped out of her seat. “What are you doing? I have friends here!”
”You don’t remember? I have a party scheduled today!” Confetti grinned. “The filly’s turning five and she wanted a clown for her birthday. You know, if I remember correctly, for your fifth birthday-“
”Yeah, Mom! I remember!” Cotton started pushing at her mother’s flanks, trying to get her out the door. She hissed through her teeth, “I’m trying to build a reputation here!”
“A reputation?” Confetti took Cotton’s face in her hooves. “Don’t ever let those other ponies tell you you’re not cool. I love you just the way you are, my smart, strong-“
”Mom!” Cotton shoved even harder. “Just go before you ruin it even more!”
”Okay, okay, I’ll go,” Confetti gave in, letting her daughter lead her to the door. “I left snacks in the fridge. Just ask Daddy to heat them up for you if you get hungry, okay? And make sure to include your siblings if they want to play with you guys. If you ever need anything else-“
”OkaymomIgotitbye!” With one final shove, Confetti was outside. Cotton slammed the door and bashed her head into it, groaning in exasperation.
”That’s your mom? What is she, four?”
”Yep…” Cotton didn’t have the heart to defend her. As much as she loved her mother, she couldn’t help but agree with her friend.
”She’s even lamer than your dad,” her other friend remarked. “And he’s super old school. How do you put up with these ponies?”
Because they’re my family… Cotton thought to herself. But she couldn’t stick up for them, not if she wanted to fit in. Not if she wanted to be respected.
”Yeah, my parents are super lame. So embarrassing! Anyway, about my grandma…”