Name: Celestia
Other names: Princess Celestia, Princess of Equestria, The Dreamer
Race: Alicorn
Diety Level: Demigod
Gender: Female
Parents: Equinox (Father) and Solstice (Mother)
Siblings: Nightmare Moon
Children: None
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationships: Queen Novo
Roles: Princess of Equestria, Ruler of the Solar Dynasty, Self-appointed guardian of dreams
Current Status: Imprisoned in the caves underneath Canterlot. Under a powerful spell of endless slumber.
Magic Affiliations: Light
Celestia was born on the Isle of Zenith and raised by her parents Equinox and Solstice. After 100 years, Equinox and Solstice felt a calling to places beyond the world of Equus. They delivered their children to the mainland of Equestria in a small city atop a mountain known as Canterlot. The ponies were shocked and astounded seeing not only two powerful gods, but to hear their plea to take care of their infant children. They graciously accepted their offer and looked over Celestia and Luna.
This marked the founding of a religion known as Solunism. It was centered around Equinox and Solstice being the two divine beings that created Equus, along with Celestia and Luna being gods as well. Since Celestia and Luna were the only alicorns they have ever seen, it was deemed that it was a symbol of divinity and that alicorns had a destiny to fulfill for all of pony kind. Time would slightly cloud history, memories of Equinox and Solstice would fade and it would not help that Celestia and Luna were too young to know of their parents. It would alter history in such a way that the origin of the world would once again remain unknown and the appearance of Celestia and Luna would be nothing less than a mystery. The only thing that would try to show Celestia and Luna the truth of their parents’ existence are vague dreams of them coming back to a family they once remembered.
However, the ponies of Canterlot soon realized that a mountaintop was not ideal for the young alicorns and made a new settlement not too far away from the mountain’s base. As Celestia and Luna grew into their childhood, their pony guardians realized time does not affect them in the same fashion. A decade passed and yet the two alicorns did not age. Still realizing they had a great purpose for their kind, construction of a castle for their rule began. Many years would come to pass as Celestia and Luna entered their ‘teenage’ years. A great sorcerer known as Starswirl would tutor them on using their magic. It was during the early months of this training that Starswirl would realize the two sisters had powers beyond his comprehension. This rewrote the conception of the schools of magic and added a new class of magic known as Divine. Celestia’s school of magic focused around Light, whereas Luna’s was oriented with Void. During this time, Starswirl also realized Celestia was aging more rapidly than her sister. It started out as a few inches, but evolved more as Celestia entered puberty. It made Luna quite envious at the time. Nearing the end of Starswirl’s teachings, both Celestia and Luna were capable of using their magic to control the sun and moon. However, Starswirl felt that only Celestia was mature enough to lead his people. Celestia and Luna would dwell in their completed castle as Celestia was crowned Princess of Equestria. Her rule would be named the Solar Dynasty, a kingdom that would prosper for hundreds of years.
During Celestia’s initial rule, events such as the arrival of Discord, Tirek, and King Sombra would come and pass. Celestia and Luna were proud to stand together to fight for the peace and safety of Equestria.
A short time later, Luna’s jealousy over her sister would continue to manifest. She would eventually challenge her sister’s rule. It pained Celestia to do so, but she regretfully resorted to using the Elements of Harmony after her sister was transformed into Nightmare Moon. Her sister may have been defeated, but at a great price. Nightmare Moon was banished into the moon, the spell not fading for a thousand years. Celestia would then abandon their castle and migrate back to Canterlot, establishing that as the new capital of Equestria.
970 years would come to pass and Celestia would meet the acquaintance of the hippogriffs, lead by the charming Queen Novo. Celestia would strengthen this friendship more and more, until eventually Queen Novo wanted enter a relationship with her. Shocked her proposal, Celestia happily said yes and have ever since.
On the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration, Nightmare Moon returned. Celestia had prepared for this day, but would make the fatal error of underestimating her sister’s capabilities. Nightmare Moon would overcome every and any obstacle that Celestia threw at her. Nightmare Moon would mock her, stating that for the entire time of her banishment she would plot to overthrow Celestia. That did not stop Celestia from trying. A great war raged between the two of them: the Solar Dynasty against Nightmare Moon’s newly established New Lunar Republic. Nevertheless, Celestia would be bested. Without Celestia, the Solar Dynasty began to crumble and be absorbed into the New Lunar Republic.
After her defeat against Nightmare Moon, Celestia’s punishment was to be outcast into the dream realm for an indefinite amount of time. This was done by putting her into a slumber the likes of which has never been seen, like a coma or some kind of death sleep. She is alive in the physical world, but trapped in the world of dreams. She has essentially taken the role to help ponies overcome their nightmares, but also uses it as a means to talk to Nightmare Moon as a means to demand for her release. She has reached out to many ponies to aid in her escape. Even though many would want to help, they are afraid of being overwhelmed by the New Lunar Republic’s strong presence in Canterlot. Her best hope was in her lover, Queen Novo. To this day, the hippogriffs are still preparing for the inevitable battle to free Celestia.