Day “60” – Safest
Wow I’m 22 hours late, how did that happen? Oh, right, TF2 Randomizer grabbed me by the everything and didn’t let go until 4 in the morning, then I overslept, then other life bs… Long story short, made a bunch of poor decisions and missed a day. Won’t happen again. If it does, find me and <del>slap my face as hard as you can</del> gently remind me not to miss another day.
On a happier note, has passed the group stage at the top of our group[/spoiler], yay! If you haven’t watched the group stage matches yet, and you care about spoilers, well, there you go. Safe and sound, all you know is that I’m happy for some reason. Wonder what that reason may be.
Thank you /fit/ for not only your noble sacrifice, but also for stepping up against /u/ to make the possibility of an /mlpol/ finale possible! May you rip in peace ;-;7