“No…no! This can’t be! Turq-“
”SHE RAN AWAY!?” Turquoise snatched the note from Mel’s hooves, practically boiling with rage as she read it over. “With that asshole’s little brat? Why I oughta-“
”Turq, calm down! Ya can’t project yer anger at Galaxy on her kids like that. They’re in love!”
”In LOVE?” Turq flared her wings angrily. “That’s not love. That family wouldn’t know love if it blasted them with a cannon. Next thing you know that bitch is gonna turn our kid against us.”
Mel snorted. “That’s a load of hooey and you know it. Please, Turq, let’s just find our filly. Let her know we support her unconditionally. I…I miss her…” She covered her mouth with a hoof, trying to stifle tears.
Turq softened, but only a little. “Fine. But forget about Termite or whoever she is. We’re not taking her in.”
Fafa grinned, not listening to her parents’ quarrel. Finally, Holly had stood up to the cruel system cruelly separating her from what she really needed. She had defied their parents for once, showing them she wasn’t the perfect, obedient filly they thought she was. Holly had cast off her shackles and liberated herself, and Fafa was proud. Even better, she could have her parents’ love and attention to herself for once. It was a win-win situation!
”Fafa, wipe that stupid grin off your face!”
”Turq! Don’t take it out on her!”
…Or not.
“What d’ya know,” Firefly snorted. “She really followed through on her vow to ‘stay by Holly’s side no matter what’. She even left a note!” ”What the buck? Let me see that,” Firefly levitated the letter over to her wife, continuing to stifle laughter as Galaxy read under her breath. ”’…And don’t bother looking for us, because we’re not coming back until you accept us being together.’ Really!?” Galaxy reeled back in disgust. “She’d pick that bitch’s kid over us? Doesn’t she know what’s best for her?” ”And after all you’ve done for us too, Mother,” Lunar Gauntlet clicked her tongue condescendingly. “What a shame. How ungrateful.” ”We have to get her back!” Galaxy exclaimed. “If it’s the last thing we do! Firefly, stop laughing and help us out!” ”Sure, Gal,” Firefly rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “We’ll get our baby back. I got plenty of ideas that will help us out.”