Here we have my re-imaging of what Discord would have looked like had he appeared in Generation One, My Little Pony.
As per usual, I keep 1980’s rules in mind. Discord is a draconequus, which is a equine/dragon hybrid. Being a dragon type villain he would be a bit pudgy, rather than the thin, snake-like chaos being that we’re accustomed to. All pink has been removed as in the 1980’s villains DID NOT have pink on them, unless they were intended to hint that they may be gay.
I imagine that the writing would not be as imaginative to have Discord as fun-loving g as our Discord from Generation Four. Rather he would be gruff and malicious, wanting to see all things of order burn for the sake of watching them burn. He probably wouldn’t have as cool a voice actor as John de Lancie. He would probably have Harvey Atkin, the voi9ce actor who portrayed King Koopa in The Super Mario Brother’s Super Show.