“This dish is a lot like your personality! Bland and saturated with salt.”
Rhubarb “Ruby” Pie; daughter of Pear Butter and Cloudy Quartz.
This girly is as sweet as can be, maybe even as sweet as her delicious baked goodies. She’s been known to work herself into many sleepless nights to make sure that everypony around her is happy with their goodies. Ruby has a secret love for cutesy things such as stuffed animals and everything pink; but she insists that she’s not cute in the slightest. She has random stashes of sweets, comics, and other things around her room that she will very much deny the possession of; but she’s terrible at telling a lie. She’s also been known for being a “harsh critic” of sorts. Once you get to know the real her; you’ll see she’s much stronger than others give her credit for.
She is the element of Honesty.
Base by Chaostrical
I hope you guys like it~! <333