“You need a hoof there fella? I’m sure I can lend you one!”
Smokey Quartz; daughter of Hondo Flanks and Igneous Rock.
Smokey is a down country girl who doesn’t mind getting her hooves a little dirty. Working on a farm and being a daddy’s girl, Smokey’s always been doing hard labor, even since she was a filly. Not to mention her years on the hoofball team. Smokey took up her papa’s work and began mining at an early age. She loves gems, especially the darker stones, and even makes her own jewelry. This gal also loves helping those less fortunate, and often donates her gems to those who need the bits, not to mention food if they need it. She would give the coat off her back to stranger if they needed it.
She is the element of Generosity.
Base by Pegasski
I hope you guys like it~! <333