Since she first made her appearance in the show, Silver Spoon has been cursed with the title of ‘Diamond Tiara’s shadow’. She had no life outside of being Diamond Tiara’s friend, and even to this day, people are hard-pressed to find a personality trait that Silver has that Diamond does not share. That’s why most fanfics attempting to separate the two characters have to make up character traits for Silver in order to help her stand alone, but nothing’s really stuck since the show never really got the chance to explore her character before the bubble popped.
I didn’t include Silver in my series for years because I wanted Silver to be her own character with her own life. Having her own pets was a good start, and the contrast in her relationship to Dazzle was a good follow-up, but I still felt they would still respond to external stimuli too similarly. Just as Luigi was originally a clone of Mario and eventually developed his own identity, such did I want for Silver. I wanted her to be more than just another Diamond Tiara.
Then again, maybe Silver being another Diamond Tiara isn’t such a bad thing after all.