Thanks for all the name suggestions!
Name: Heiress Angelite
Species: Draconequus
Parents: Discord and Ember
Status: Princess (Daughter of the Dragon Lord)
Powers: Limited amount of magic, fire-breathing.
She is an introverted and sensitive spirit, and has a hard time making friends. Her closest friend (and eventually, girlfriend) is Sharpshine, a dragon hybrid like her – which is the first thing they bond over. She is expected to compete for the title of Dragon Lord when her mother retires, but she’s not even sure if that’s what she wants to be. Her laid-back father on the other hand, while having found his caring and paternal side, rarely knows what to do to help. When she was younger, Discord would make her laugh all the time. Now that she’s older and he’s unable to, he’s grown to be a little more somber – worrying about her but not knowing how to make her feel better. She enjoys having tea parties with her Aunt Fluttershy, and likes hanging out with her animals (who have learned not to fear her). Relaxing, quiet activities are her thing, despite this contrasting with Sharpshine’s adventurous and rebellious nature. The two find a happy balance, and begin a relationship.