i do not own the MLP character or the Disney dresses.
i’m making more, so suggest your favs if they are missing from this one. Sugarberry (Belle) Teddie Safari (Drizella) Roma (Esmeralda) Tropical Spring (Kimbely Ann) Caramel Apple (Anna) Beyond(Kimbely Ann) Cloud Showers (Elsa) Primrose (Nancy) Sunstone (Lilo) Roxie (Kimbely Ann) Ruby Splash (Kimbely Ann) Millie (Kimbely Ann) Bella Brella (jane) Cold Front (Elsa) Sprinkle Medley (Kimbely Ann) Lilac Blossom (Giselle) Candy Mane (Kimbely Ann) Monochrome Sunset (Kimbely Ann) Fine Line (Anna) Cloud Kicker (Charlotte) Surf (Jasmine)