I am married to the head canon of Vinyl being Jewish but I also love the idea of her being Italian and apparently there are only around 400 000 jewish people in Italy… Ah Screw it it’s fantasy pony kingdom she can be both if we want
Vinyl Scratch by NamelessHero2222 https://namelesshero2222.deviantart.com/art/Vinyl-Scratch-Having-a-bad-day-updated-300852941
Octavia by PineappleSurferMoon https://slackerburst.deviantart.com/art/Worried-Octavia-295411289
Candle by FloppyChiptunes https://floppychiptunes.deviantart.com/art/MLP-White-candle-348533472
Table by SharkWellington https://mlp-brony-club.deviantart.com/art/Crappy-table-273998886
Background by BlackGryph0n https://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Wub-Time-BG-2-Interview-Room-297984104
Comment your own headcanons for Vinyl