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A scene from My Little Pony: Revelations of the Apocalypse.
During the Final Battle of Light and Darkness, the ultimate decisive war between good and evil at the Land of Midnight, one of the Dark Lord Tirek’s most powerful servants, the King in Yellow namely Hastur, the Unspeakable One and the Great King of Terror, confronts the Mane Six and creates dark, twisted clones of themselves, apparitions that expose the bad side of each of the Mane 6 and turn them at their worst, in attempt to destroy them. Even when facing evil versions of themselves, the Mane Six will not fall easily to the clutches of the Unspeakable One without a fight!
Vectors used:
Twilight Sparkle –
Pinkie Pie -
Applejack –
Rainbow Dash -
Midnight Sparkle -
Pinkamena -
Rotten Apple -
Shadow Dash -
Nightmarity -
Flutterbat -
The Mane Six and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belong to ©
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