A recently completed commission I finished. This is Tenon and he’s a carpenter and woodworking pony. A couple of fun/challenging things about this commission was getting stallions markings correct which closest thing to it in the real world is called chocolate dapple which also looks somewhat like wood burl.
The other thing is all the equipment the pony is working with. For this I tried to remember what I’ve seen pony craftsman use in my Equestria dreamscape. Now my Equestria dreamscape is set in something of a late 19th century when it comes to technology. Electrical power is just becoming available in larger metropolitan areas which have the necessary infrastructure to provide the services. Therefore mechanical power in smaller community often comes from either wind, water, or in some cases steam. So tools that today would be electrical powered in our world use the manual power of the operator, or some kind of spring-action to provide motivational force for the equipment. Such as bow saw in the top right corner.
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