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![Size: 856x2348 | Tagged: acting, artist:dziadek1990, conversation, corrupted, derpibooru import, description is relevant, dialogue, dungeons and dragons, elements of harmony, emotes, emote story, emote story:ponies and d&d, fluttershy, in character, kiss my ass, oc, oc:pinka, oc:skullfuck doombringer, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, reddit, roleplaying, rpg, safe, slice of life, snorting, tabletop game, text, twilight sparkle, vulgar](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2020/7/18/1245216/medium.png)
Author’s Notes:
“Greed Hatred” was the name of one of my Chaotic Evil half-orc characters I created when I played the D&D-based computer RPG “Neverwinter Nights”.
His starting ability scores were the same as the ones I gave to the first-level Skullfuck Doombringer.
(Currently the ponies’ adventuring party is almost at level 5.)
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