Solar Flare trotted out of the house to the apple farm. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The sky was a bright blue, a few clouds were floating above, and there was the sweet sound of birds chirping. His lips were curved up in a small smile. Another peaceful day in Sweet Apple Acres, he thought.
He heard the faint sound of something being hit, then something else falling to the ground with a big thud. He whipped around his head quickly, startled by the sound.
He walked quickly to where the noise came, and stopped short when he saw his mother, Applejack, and sister, Honey Crisp, together. The expression of surprise and worry on his face quickly changed into a frown, and his ears drooped.
It wasn’t as if he was jealous of their relationship. He too had a healthy relationship with Applejack, heck, he had a healthy relationship with his father, Caramel, as well.
No, what he was upset about was the fact that Honey was able to buck apples painlessly, and without any particular effort.
“Mama! Look at how many apples fell down!”
Honey had an enormous grin on her face as she gestured with her hoof towards the bucket next to her, which was indeed halfway full with shining red apples. There was another bucket next to that, with double, maybe even triple the amount of apples there were in the first bucket.
Applejack, who had a grin the same size as Honey’s said,
“I saw Honey, and Ah’m so proud of ya. You’re gonna become one of the greatest apple farmers out there someday!”
Honey squealed happily, and got in position in to buck more apples. Solar, who felt like he had enough, turned around unhappily and walked a few steps away when he heard Honey’s hooves hit the tree trunk once again, and more thuds of apple falling down. Then he heard a gasp, and a strange sound of.. magic? He turned around and gaped at his younger sister.
She had a sparkling cutie mark imprinted on her flank, with a even huge smile on her face then before. It was a ombre apple, blending from a peachish-pink to a bright golden. Honey jumped up and down.
Applejack, who’s grass green eyes were wide, reached up and took her hat off, and pressed it against her chest.
“Well, Ah’ll be darned Honey. You got your cutiemark!” Tears welled in her eyes. “Ah’m so proud of ya!”
Honey grinned and raised her hind legs up to buck more apples. Solar, feeling even more helpless, finally turned away again and walked back home. I’m a horrible Apple compared to her. I can’t even buck apples, and now I’m the only one who hasn’t got their cutie mark yet! He thought.
So much for a nice walk.
Solar Flare has arthritis in his hind legs so he can’t really buck apple trees without immense pain. His younger sister got here cutie mark before he did and he feels that he failed his mom.