Princess Twilestia ~ THE FINAL BOSS of MY Little Pony: Equestria Girls 7 Trouble in two Worlds!!
While goofing with Discord’s magic, Pinkie Pie accidentally hit Princess Celestia(Pony) and Sci-Twilight (who were able to escape from Queen Chrysalis changeling swarm ), fusing them together into a single body. With complete control over Celestia’s body and magical powers, Twilight attempts to destroy both worlds and merge them into a world where she ruled all of reality,then kidnaps Twilight(pony)traps in a cage and heads off to start building her twisted kingdom!
“Dear Princess Celestia. We’re been fused together by Pinkie Pie with the help of Discord’s magic.
I’d have to thanked Pinkie and Discord for my new physique and with the combine powers of both yours and Discord, I’d will warped ours worlds into with myself as the new queen”~ Sci-Twilight
“Twilight stop this it once. this is not you’ve talking, It’s Midnight Sparkle side of you’ve talking”~ Princess Celestia
“It’s too late for that, no one or pony could stop me”~ Sci-Twilight
“Twilight, looked at yourself is this what you’ve everypony to remember you’ve as? What about our friends?”~ Twilight Sparkle(pony)
“I’d have NO FRIENDS, phase of the merger between our worlds begins”~ Sci-Twilight