This is the idea that pops into my head when I get a Rainbow Dash plushy and Despicable Me 2 movie for Christmas. XD
Before I say anything else, I gotta quickly apologize for lack of activity. I’ve been far too busy with skiing and anything. My shortening attention span isn’t helping. XD I’m starting to get my focus back, don’t worry, so hopefully my next piece will come out sooner.
Do you see the reference? If not, I’ve failed ya’all. TT~TT When I got a Dashie plush from my parents and then Despicable Me 2 for the whole family, this idea shortly came to mind remembering this scene from the first movie: youtu.be/1wFAamg1NfA.That was one of my favorite scenes from the first movie, and knowing Rainbow’s self-adoring nature, I found it oddly appropriate to crossover the two factors to create this scene.
Applejack’s reaction I found rather appropriate too, since out of all the girls of the Mane Six, I notice that AJ seems to be the most aggravated of them all of Dash’s boasting from what I’ve seen. When it all gets too strange, she takes the opportunity to shut Dashie up, even if it means she would have to run from an angry Pegasus later on when she finds out who kicked “Tiny Dashie” at her face. XD She regrets absolutely nothin’.Oh, and Pinkie? She’s just there, I guess. Besides the fact that I got a figure of her for Christmas (and an Applejack one, to my greatest joy), there’s really no reason for her being where she is except being adorably confused. XD
So yea, that’s that. A (hopefully) funny MLP comic for ya’all. X3 More stuff’ll hopefully be comin’ soon, but for now, I hope ya get at least a smile outta this. <sup>w</sup>
Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie all belong to Hasbro and Lauren FaustDialogue based on a scene from Despicable MeThe art belongs to me, . If you’d like to use this in any way, please contact me first!