_“Your tank’s looking pretty close to empty there, Twinny.”
“Mrff… Can’t… really move my limbs much anymore… to balance…”
“That mean you’re calling it quits?”
“Of course not! …I just… hooo boy. Getting hard… to talk… I can still win this! …probably…”
“That’s the spirit. Don’t give in until your head hits the ceiling. Which it might, because I may have miscalculated the capacity of these tanks.”
“Hnnrgg… This’d be easier if- whoa… If Line would quit nearly toppling me over!”
“Hm? …Line, cut that out, you’re giving me an unfair advantage here.”
“Can’t talk. Buttsnuggin’.”
“…Uh, I’ll give you a handicap.”
Part 2 of a thing for Railfan, wherein I attempt to match his habits of making things into series, even if I may end up failing at it. At least I can say I tried.