After being completely dumbfounded, Sabe then finally agrees that Sables can pronk….. and apologies for thinking otherwise to Uganda, who then subsequently sticks her tongue out at him, knowing that she proved him wrong.
Sabe then sternly backs up his statement from before, but with a new sense knowing that Sables can pronk.
He still chooses not to, for the sake of keeping his own dignity from being destroyed.
Uganda begs Sabe to try, giving a puppy-eyed look. He responds negatively.
She then pleads with him once more, this time with even BIGGER puppy-eyes…. he still responds negatively!….. the jerk….
Uganda then goes into a playfully pleading / begging spree, hopping and jumping and pronking around Sabe, showing how much fun it could be if he would only try.
Sabe just stands there rather annoyed….
What will Sabe decide to do? We’ll see in the next page!
I was looking forward to this page in particular because of how adorable Uganda’s puppy-eye face looks here. Who would say no to those eyes, besides Sabe?
Also I really like how the composition of the page itself came out here. Every panel seems to be very full and equalized on the page.
Hope you all enjoying the story so far!