As requested by Jamiboi. Also, guest starring LunaHazACookie’s Nightwish and Hypnopony’s Zippersnap. Hope you like it! •W•
<ins>(Original sketch/Extended doodle story:https://sta.sh/077pq9h50j)</ins>
You were taken into the royal palace in Canterlot, the city that now had many lamias residing with the ponies. They were interesting snake-like pony hybrids with fascinating coils and the abilities of hypnosis. At the entrance, and mare in a maid outfit happily escorted you to the throne room with glowing spirals in her eyes. There, you saw an ivory lamia sitting at the now singular throne with a few ponies at her side, coiled and sleeping. She asked for the maid to step into her cocoon and she was squeezed, happily wanting more of her ruler’s tight coils. This was the one they called Ruby as she kindly asked questions about you, where you came from, why you’re here, so on and so forth. Her kind tone was taken nicely and you answered her, telling her everything she needed to know. You had questions of your own and Ruby wasn’t hesitant to answer. She and a large group of lamias arrived to the palace, requesting to live among the kind ponies. Ruby managed to convince the sisters via managing coils and hypnotic eyes and thus, Celestia and Luna gave up their royal duties and made Ruby their new ruler, though she didn’t keep any royal titles as she wanted to be seen equally among the lamias. Sadly for her, this all didn’t seem right to you as the princesses would know better than to just give the throne away for coils and sleep. Ruby said that she made them realize that it was what they desired and soon everypony wanted it too, which was why many were paired or grouped with lamias as the snake ponies needed companionship. You turned away, refusing to agree to all this, but your hooves were caught in the lamia’s coils. You were turned to face her and her purple eyes were replaced with the spirals you saw from other ponies. You tried to look away or overcome these colors, but they were so beautiful and blissful that you can’t deny their soothing glow. Ruby began to coil you up and you loved her soft touch, the coils relieving your stressful muscles until you were coiled to the neck. By then, you were now another toy for Ruby. She whispered for you to sleep and you began to shut your spiraling eyes, dreaming of more coils and lamias to surround you. Ruby would find a lamia who would love to keep you, but until then, you were safe enough in her grasp. You were now happy that a loving lamia such as her ruled Equestria.
Mind you, this description is only a shortened version (sort of). I guess I suddenly went all out with the story for some reason, but I don’t want the description to be too blasted with words. I don’t know :V. I left the extended version in the stash/sketch. Enjoy it however you like. The sketch itself took multiple pieces, so please excuse they stand out from one another.
Criticism/requests welcome
Princess Celestia-*Hasbro*
Ruby OC/Bolt Blood OC-*Jamiboi*
Nightwish OC-*LunaHazACookie*
Zippersnap OC-*Hypnopony*