Inspired by the amazing KBSD artwork of :iconsarispy56:, I went and made this slightly Sleeping Beauty parody where Kick is the sleeping PRINCE, and :iconsarispy56: said I could choose any girl that could be the one who would kiss him and wake him up.
Yeah, thats right, I chose my KND OC Rocky. A pretty good choice consider their awesome friendshipand his secret crush on her. :XD:
:bulletred: By the way, if any MLP FIM fan is wondering who that filly is beside Apple Bloom with the red, curly hair, its Twist, one of her classmates. ;)
:bulletblue: If anyone notices Rocky got some interesting features here and not wearing either her pink headband or her golden braceletyeah, thats me playing with her hair and face and clothes. Hey, I fool around with Twilight Sparkles mane, why not Rockys? Shes like the little human girl version of her. :XD:
In this picture:
Reading a story to Apple Bloom and Twist, Kick chooses the book Sleeping Beauty. However, as the story goes, Kick changes the plot a littlestarting with turning the princess into a prince and that the dashing, handsome male rescuer is an incredibly gorgeous female savior. :XD:
The story goes, the bad guys are no other than the people he hates in Mellowbrook. And in the end, the daredevil prince awakens with a kiss from the brave and beautiful hero. They fall in love, get married as the kingdom rejoices while they do stunts together. :XD:
And the fillies NOR Rocky are aware that the story had ANY reference to anything whatsoever. :XD:”