The old gal screeches in protest as chains and gears deep within her superstructure ratchet and twist in response to the wheel, one is left to wonder if she was ever meant to sail like this – though given her history, it’s easy to imagine not. Old frigate like this, probably meant to sail towards her foe firing with reckless abandon.
She does it though, managing to clear a sharp pass alongside the niceberg’s western slope. In the arse-cheek clenching moments of the near miss, as the adrenaline begins to disappear from this one’s system one is left to peer back in a state of shock as the wind carries the howling cries of the landmass below.
Really got to stop drinking, or, well, perhaps start. Either way… Numareia is a weird region.
Comments from behind draw this one’s attention as you regain full control of the wheel and thank the odd pegasus who happened to be passing by the bridge. He begins to wonder if anyone sleeps on this ship! And perhaps feel a tad bit self conscience.
Tried to do this one in my normal brush, which increased the time taken dramatically haha.