Pretty Soldier Sailor Ponies! And Orion is the prettiest of them all! GRRRRRRRRR! But its true.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Canterlot High Goblins and Ponies Club episode 17 coming from a place even more further away. Fighting evil by moonlight! Thanks twitter feed for giving me todays idea, was going to be very different thanks to what happen in yesterday’s episode. If you follow twitch on twitter, you’ll probably see the post that inspired me. Involves new york comic con. Praise the Empress and her piercing vision of truth! Cuz her emblem was a wing. And she couldn’t fly… Well. But boy could she ride a scooter. And Sweetie’s was a note and Bloom’s an apple. Yaaaaahhhhhh. Foreshadowing!Links below:Prince Orion tumblr Follow your Prince!Prince Orion tumblr CollectionGates Patreon Page, if wanna help out support me on Patreon. You could even become a part of the comic. Just check out my rewards.And follow me on Google+ and Twitter for comic updates. Though you are warned, I don’t do squat on google+. All these new fangled social thingies…Gates’ Twitter PageGates’ Google+ page