Once again, I present another request from 736berkshire. He requested to have Fluttershy and Scootaloo doing a back-to-back pose underwater. And here’s what I got.
Fluttershy was swimming at the pool one day when Scootaloo came up to her. “I’d like to try out a pose with you,” she said, “And I want to do it underwater.” Fluttershy was a bit intrigued, for she hasn’t done any kind of underwater pose before. “What pose do you want to try?” Fluttershy asked. “How about back-to-back,” Scootaloo replied, “And act real cool like too.” Fluttershy thought for a moment. “What about Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked again, “She’d be good at doing it. Besides, I’m not good at trying to be cool.” “It’s nothing.” said Scootaloo, “And Rainbow Dash is off at the Wonderbolt Academy, so she couldn’t do it. But since you’re so good at holding your breath underwater, I thought you’d like to do it with me.” Fluttershy then smiled. “Okay. Let’s try it.” Scootaloo dove in the water and Fluttershy followed. With their wings spread out, the two hover underwater as they put their backs together and making cool-looking smiles. Scootaloo thought that this was awesome, while Fluttershy was trying her best to look cool. The other ponies admire the way the two make their pose. 5 minutes later, Scootaloo went to the surface while Fluttershy stayed down for another 5 minutes until she came up. “I guess you got really into it, huh Fluttershy?” Scootaloo asked as Fluttershy got out of the pool. Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I believe I have.”
Made in Photoshop.