We are now going from a very hopeful and relaxing page to a more emotionally intense one.
This is the point in the story where the legend of Hearths Warming Eve starts to differ from the original story. The reason for this being that this comic is walking more on the historical side than on the PG “Disney version” side, so the details are not idealized or softened (just in case the bloodied griffons and the pony suicides didn’t give it away already). I’m glad I finally figured out a way to keep my shading dark and heavy, but still keep the scene colorful. I mean it’s a bleak comic and a dark story, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make it look pretty. Also I had a lot of fun drawing that Wendigo gently tapping on the magic shield with his hoof. I was heavily influenced by the Heavy Metal comics.
Let’s see if we can release one page a month for the entire year! Thank you so much to those of you who have been with us from the very beginning of the comic. We’re going to work as hard as possible to keep up with our schedule and do our best to bring you guys a good and satisfying comic.
Please, feel free to share your ideas, thoughts and theories in the comments.