Leave Me Here
by RestartBob
“I thought you were taking pictures of me, but that was just the lights burning out.
It was no one’s dream to follow me, when everyone wants to be followed themselves.”
“Mirror Reflection and the Hammer Reinvention” Quote
Youtube song link\_channel=EaracheCatalog
Kept trying to make this look right, and it never worked out: that is the problem with trying. I have no consistency and things look better when they are just thrown together with no attempt to look a certain way.
This is not a scene of an event, but something that could have happened. During university, it was considered to be a feasible way to die. Wander out in the cold quite drunk, maybe cut oneself a bit, and hopefully the combination of half-assed things would result in an easy death. It was ill considered, and would likely have not worked. I always made it back inside and never cut deep enough to cause harm. Always parasuicidal and stupid, not wanting to live but not really wanting to die.
Is related to the following, which was a real event.
Best to be Alone by RestartBob
And as with everything I do, I’m fine. This is normal.