Something that gets me real jealous is @pseudocitrus and her Moleskine notebooks – she uses them to jot down daily observations and story drabbles, and often throws in the occasional watercolor sketch (!) as well. It’s exactly like a field journal and I’ve wanted to do something like hers for the longest time.
I’ve had this notebook for a few months to help me plan out Children of Everfree updates, and let’s be honest. It’s a great feeling busting this out to show to other people. So at the behest of some folks who’ve seen this IRL, here are a few pages, starting with the nucleus of a reference sheet for Fluttershy.
Don’t take any of this stuff as declarative canon; this is by and large a notebook I use for fun and exploration above all else. But otherwise – I suppose this is the kind of thing I wanted to post on the Codex in the first place :D