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A Quick Flashback and Flashforward
askcutiepie: Ok, I guess I’ll be safe with The Doctor with me
(intro to VDC Day 2)
(The Haunted House is shown with lightning in the sky at night, and Cutie Pie sits looking at it from the front stricken in fear)
Discord Whooves: “Oh hey there, little one! Are you going in the Haunted House?”
Cutie Pie: “Oh hey, Doc. Um, I don’t think so. I’m really scared of that stuff.”
Discord Whooves: “WHAT??” (is surprised) “How about if I take you inside and protect you? It’ll be fun!”
Cutie Pie: “Well, I guess so…thank you.”
Discord Whooves: “Oh you’re welcome! “
(thinks to himself) “Perfect! Being seen with this little cutie will surely impress the mares inside this place. They’ll think I’m so that they won’t be able to keep their hooves off me!”