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askthemanesix: Vocational Death Cruise Day 2: The Haunted Hoax
Panel 1: Teilight SParkle, Spike, and Mousa are walking doen the hall way with various halloween-esque paraphenalia surrounding them, Mousa and SPike looking scared and Twiligt looking dejected and anoyed
Twilight: So Meeting the captain was a catastrophic failure. Turns out we’re the “freaks”. The captain is some psycho pony that things she’s Princess Celestia… And we’re the only human shapes around!
Spike: I-I guess c-c-crashing th-the ship was a sign sh-she was.. you know… nuts!
Panel 2: The Discorded Doctor Whooves and Blitzen are seen walking a distance away from Mousa, the Doctor awfully close to Blitzen
The Doctor: S-Scary, eh babe? C-c-care for some “comfort” f-from the fear Doctor?
Blitzen:I think I’m good…
Mousa: Something is not right about The Doctor…
Panel 3: Pinkie is walking along with Cutie Pie in her arms
Cutie Pie: I’m scared…
Pinkie Pie: Don’t worry little horsie, all, you gotta do is giggle at the ghosties!
Panel 4: Twilight continues to angrily talk right beside Spike and Fabrizio The Stick Assassin
Twilight: None of this makes any sense at all! Like what is this thing supposed to be? (gesturing at Fabrizio)
Fabrizio: I don’t think I like your tone, lady.
Spike: Wh-Where did Rainbow D-ash go?!
Panel 5: Rainbow Dash with a sunken face with an ax in her head is screaming
Panel 6: Spike and Mousa scream with exaggeratd horrified expressions while Rainow Dash holding a fake ax laughs.
Rainbow Dash: Keh heh heh
((OOC: This week’s entry stars Discorded Doctor Whooves, Blitzen Pony, Cutie Pie, and Fabrizio the Sick Assassin))