Hello there, welcome to Cloudsdale my little fledgling.
I can help you find a perfect job in this great city.
Well, I’ve got a sandwich and some juice to eat first.
So why don’t you pull up a seat and let’s be friends! <3==========
Valkyrie is there to help assign jobs to all the Cloudsdale Pegasus. She knows the in’s and out’s of getting a job, and she seems more than happy to share some of those secrets. The only thing that can even hope to delay her is lunch.I’ve tweaked the face a bit more now. I’m not sure if I would like to use it for more ponies, but it’s so cute! It might be just her though, ‘cause she’s a cutie! And that is the face of one who chooses who dies
And she even has a juice box.Commissioned by WerewolfConfess
OC Valkyrie from them.