It wasn’t that Luna didn’t like children. Far from it – most of her nights were spent patrolling the dreamscape, banishing nightmares from their sleep. Still, the Moon Princess had her limits, and the newest member of the Royal Family was testing her. Flurry Heart barely gave her a moment to herself when she was visiting, and it was wearing on Luna.
However, there was one thing Luna would never grow tired of sharing with the filly alicorn. Luna had let slip her “misadventures” with Celestia when they were growing up in the palace, and Flurry had been enraptured. She told her about the rope traps, the tree, the chandelier, the moray eel… and Flurry had soaked it all up.
Luna didn’t realize how much Flurry had been interested in it until the luncheon that Saturday, and had wanted to get her aunt’s attention