[bq=“seleniium”]Cadance and Shining Armor were walking with their two daughters in the city
when Melinda, the younger one, stopped in front of a showcase. Her parents
didn’t notice and continued walking, so did Flurry Heart until a certain
point. She looked back and saw her sister behind so she walked to her.
Flurry Heart: What’s going on sis’?
Melinda: Look at this!
Flurry Heart: What is it? reads the sign Quality explorer equipment.
Uh… Melinda I though mom and dad talked to you about that…
Melinda: About what?
Flurry Heart: About explorations and crazy adventures.
Melinda: Oh yeah they did.
Flurry Heart: Why are you looking at this showcase then?
Melinda: …
Flurry Heart: I’m sorry sis’ but you have to forget about all of this, it’s too dangerous.
Melinda: But…
Flurry Heart: They just don’t want you to get hurt. Hey listen, what’d you say we
go back to the castle, it’s getting late anyway. looks around Wait. Where are they?
Melinda: uh?
Flurry Heart: sigh I can’t believe this. Well I guess we got to find our way home on our own.
Melinda: It shoudn’t be too hard, the castle’s right there.
Flurry Heart: If you know where to go I’ll follow you.
The two fillies walk for almost an hour, wondering through the city.
Melinda: I don’t understand! The castle seems so close but I can’t find a way to it.
Flurry Heart: That’s find I think I finally know where we are. Follow me. { trots through streets and alleys }
Melinda: Pfff… yeah, okay.
Flurry Heart: stops suddenly Look I found it! Time to go home Melinda, mom and dad must be hella worried!
Melinda: whispers Hella? …
Flurry Heart: See, it’s probably not a good idea for you to become an explorer.
I mean if you get lost in your own town what would you do in the wild?
Melinda: I WASN’T LOST!
Flurry Heart: Come on sis’ you know what I mean… Now come on mom and dad are waiting for us.[/bq]