Yay, I have finally shown ya’ll my Fluttershy nextgen. Unlike her friends, Fluttershy has two husbands. Her first husband is Iron Will, who kept returning to Ponyville to make her feel satisfied. He might not have gotten her to accept his way of being assertive but she was satisfied by his company and companionship. They got married and raised their first child, Ash, whom they had found on their doorstep months before. After that, their first child together was born. Her name was Sea Holly and she was very clingy toward her big brother. Ash never minded, choosing to spoil the filly rotten.
After that, Iron went on a business trip and discovered a nearly dead King Sombra hiding in the frozen north. Not knowing who he was or why his horn was broken, Iron brought him home. Fluttershy was scared at first, remembering how this stallion had tried to destroy them but she also knew he was hurt and needed help. Warily, Fluttershy treated him while Iron acted as her body guard.
… I might write something about this cause it sounds cool.
Anyway, long story short, Sombra falls for them both and he becomes Fluttershy’s second husband and Iron’s first. Sombra has kids with them both. His first born was his son, Diopside or Dio for short. He adores his dads but likes hanging out with his bipedal dad more. Sombra doesn’t mind, since he fears teaching his son magic. His second child was with Fluttershy. He gained a beautiful filly named Marigold. Despite being sweet looking, she very rarely smiles, preferring to just stare into ones soul until they look away first. She scares other foals but she doesn’t mind too much.
TL;DR: Fluttershy is married and has hand children with Iron Will and King Sombra. You go, girl!
From left to right:
Full name: Acheron
Nickname: Ash, ronny (siblings), Cher (Iron Will)
race: Unknown
sex: male
Parents: Fluttershy, Iron Will and Sombra (adopted), ??? (biological)
Full name: Marigold
Nickname: Mary
race: Pegasus
sex: female
Parents: Fluttershy and Sombra (bio)
Full name: Sea Holly or Eryngium bourgatii
Nickname: Holly
race: Batpony (some of her mothers bat genes remained)
sex: female
Parents: Fluttershy and Iron Will
Full name: Diopside
Nickname: Dio
race: unicorn
sex: male
Parents: Iron Will and Sombra
Note: I tried drawing them differently, what do you all think?