Alien infection: the Alicorn
The parasite that infected Fluttershy waited until it was dark and everyone was asleep, some of twilight’s friends went to a night party, so this is the perfect time to make her one of them.
It was amazed by the sight of the castle, it thought it would be the perfect place for her to mate with the others.
So the parasite carefully opened the front door, and went inside.
The castle was big but not too big to where it couldn’t find the alicorn’s bedroom.
When she found the room, she carefully opened the door and peaked inside.
And yes… there future queen was there, laying uncovered on the bed and ready to be infected…
The infected body slowly but carefully climbed onto the bed and stood on all fours on top of the victim…
Converted Fluttershy: “hehe… my you are just so perfect… ;)”
Fluttershy got close enough to her face and then opened her mouth to let the long parasite slug out of her mouth.
This parasite is only for those who are going to be loyal to a hive… and twilight was the one…
Since the victim was asleep, the parasite was easily able to get inside of her, making her gulp as it went down.
Twilight’s body spasmed as it moved through her body and then stopped when the parasite entered her head, making a long narrow bump along the backside of her head and neck.
Twilight’s body gasped for air before fainting… and letting the parasite control her…
Alien Queen twilight: :o “oh my… exmines body, messing with boobs, wings, horn, and magic.. this body is amazing ;3 you did a good job finding this body servant“
Converted Fluttershy:“your welcome mistress”
Just then the front door opened and twilight’s friends came back from the party.
RD: “Oh yeah that party was awesome! >:D vinyl really did good on that bass.“
Rarity: “indeed darling.. yawn ooh dear celestia I’m tired =.=..“
AJ: “ya me to’, hows ‘bout we rest in for te’ night?“
RD: “sounds like a plan :)”
Alien Queen twilight: “well, haha, I think we might have our selves a party of our own too, wouldn’t you think so? >;)“
Converted Fluttershy: “yes my queen >:)”