“Hey pops look, that kid kinda looks like you. If you were, ya know, not old as dirt”
“Hm? Strange”
Snapple invited Silver and Haywire to come hang out with her in Cloudsdale. So while they waited for her training to be over Silver thought she’d show of some of the city. Haywire is as excited as always, and practically dragging Silver along by her wing.
(Haywire: “we can walk on clouds? Why didn’t we do this sooner?!”)
Whilst running through the cultural areas of the city they happen to be spotted by a mare and her dad out on a walk around town.
That mare being Lightning Dust and her father Wind Rider.
Lightning Dust thought of it as a funny coincidence and quickly dropped it as they continued their walk. Wind Rider thought so to at first, but he never really could get the strange pony out of his head. Later that evening a terrible thought struck him that shock him to his core. What if she was… could she be…?
He did the math, she looked to be the right age. He might just have actually seen his daughter…
So yeah.
They kind of met. Silver didn’t notice them however, she was to preoccupied with trying to keep up with Haywire.
Wind Rider doesn’t actually live in Cloudsdale (he moved away to Fillydelphia in order to get far away from RD and the wonderbolts) He was just visiting his daughter who still lives there.
He has never told her what he did to RD so she has no reason to suspect anything is off with the familiar looking mare.
Wind Rider quickly left the next day, making up an excuse as he packed.