“This…is one extremely loooooong in the making (it took me months to get my copy of this I admit). The reason behind this can be summed up by one DA artist alone: weasselk, particularly his version of Little Strongheart from “MLP: Friendship is Magic”. Alongside greatdragonad among others, his version of Little Strongheart happens to be one of my favorite MLP “representations” out there. (even though he hasn’t done it in a while) In some ways it inspired me to create my own bison girls, namely Penny Kane/Buffy Girl, and just feels like something that needed more representation out there (even if she’s yet another more obscure MLP girl) So here she is, a bison in all her beefy, busty, moo glory!
Little Strongheart, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”, “My Little Pony” franchise, created by Bonnie Zacharie (and reimagined by Laura Faust)
Art, copyright shonuff44 (as interpreted by a concept by weasselk)”