It’s been suggested that I made a neo ng
I was really exited with the idea tbh! I love my ships but I’m always thinking “what if I shipped X and Z instead of Y?” so here you have my ng AU with different couples~
Dunno if I’ll use them, but I hope so, love them~
Left to right, top to bottom~:
~Meteor Crash: Discord and Rainbow. Loudmouth, energetic and quite rude, Meteor is the perfect tomboy with a huge desire for chaos and destruction. She enjoys blasting things, singing loud as fuck, playing the guitar, yelling, and pranking. She’s not a force of destruction though, and has a soft spot for snuggles. She’s clingy as shit. Also she’s a perf exotic birb, she fluffs up like crazy.
~Cotton Sunrise: Celestia and Pinkie. A cutesy airhead, Sunny is a lovely princess with a heart of gold. Despite being kinda dorky at times, she has her head in the right place and is a natural leader. She also has one hell of a sweet tooth and would probably give up on everything to nom on that chocolate bar. She’s tall and towers above everypony else, but is so kind and soft speaking you don’t even notice her gangly legs. Give her coffee, though, and her sleepy nature washes away and you find out just HOW much Pinkie Pie is in her.
~Pixie Dust: Twilight and Rarity. Pixie is anxious and nervous pratically everytime. Thing is, she’s a fucking clutz, and will end up messing with everything she’s planned or lose her stuff anywhere. Being the daughter of a renomed fashionista and a talented princess, it’s hard to live outside their shadow and bring their pride to her. She doesn’t know how beloved and respected she is by being herself, and will always try to be like her moms.
~Buttercup: Fizzle and Fluttershy. This one is perfct innocence and fluff, despte his dragon genes. Buttercup is almost as tall as Sunny but his size tells nothing about the kind, quiet and classy gentleman his parent raised him to be. He’s extremely shy and talks little to nothing, but has a deep, catchy singing voice ponies stop, hypnotized. He has claws in all his hooves, and makes use of them in the most delicate ways possible, usually taking care of small animals or working with small handicrafts.
~Ginger Gold: Blueblood and Aj. Has been raised to be classy and well behaved, and has built this surface quite professionaly. But f you get to know Ginger outside public view, he’s a free spirit by nature, loves dirt and wrestles like a champion. In public, he’ll dress like a real prince and behave like one, but will take this costume off to enjoy the simple ways of life, way too Apple like. Ginger is smart and clever, expert in sales and trades, usually making use of his soft, convincing voice to get out of trouble. Momma Jack isn’t going to be fooled, though.
~Moonstone: Garble and Ember. Moony is a MESS. Think Dash, Limestone, Scootaloo and every tomboy disaster ever born and you have this piece of crap. She’s loud, ruthless, strong, and demands everthing done like she wants in the eact same moment she asks for it. She uses her “princess” title to get out of trouble and wash away her mistakes. However, deep inside, she feels like she doesn’t belong in the dragon lands, always wishing to be with ponies instead of her own kind, living free, not being feared. She hates unfair and undeserved cruelty, and has tried to convert herself to herbivore many times, before going on a rampage and killing herds to eat and stash their flesh. She’s a misplaced tomboy, long sory short