Short Story Located Here:
A remake of an older picture of Sweetie-Do-Well in Tickle-Peril that’s just too cute not to try and take another whack at.
The original Pic:
So what we have here is poor Sweetie Belle captured by a technologically advanced prisoner breaking facility. Poor Sweetie was caught trying to sneak in and they didn’t even care to strip her down. Placed into one of the prisoner physical containment units.
Her soles and toes are exposed to a floor of synthetic tendrils and bumps that react to anything touching it. The tentacles coil, wiggle and tease endlessly. Tickling her poor, adorable soles.
The bondage around her arms and ankles are constantly pulling her into a position of keeping her feet on the floor.
Finally, there’s penalties for lifting her feet and pressing them against the glass. More time under ticklish duress!
Poor Sweetie hasn’t learned that it’s just better to try and take the punishment. How many times will she press her soles against the glass and get another penalty?
No wiggle lines version: