Name: Crispin
Sex: male
Age: 17
Race: earth
Parent(s): Marble Pie (mother) and Braeburn (father)
Sibling(s): none
Bio: Crispin is one of the nicest ponies you’ll ever meet. He’s kind, calm, and considerate. Although, you don’t want to make him upset. Most ponies didn’t even know that Marble’s his mother (he’s got Braeburn’s genes). Crispin loves his parents and loves welcoming ponies to Appaloosa. Even though he doesn’t have any siblings, he likes to think that his cousins: Fudge Brownie, Periot Drop, Rocky Road, and Lemon Meringue are more like siblings to him. His dream is to one day visit all Equestria has to offer.
Name: Peridot Drop
Sex: female
Age: 18
Race: Pegasus
Parent(s): Limestone Pie (mother) and Zephyr Breeze (father)
Sibling(s): none
Bio: Peridot is a pretty fast flier. She’s brash, generous, and passive aggressive. She’s like both her parents in certain ways. She’s a great mane stylist like her dad, but she can be as overprotective and aggressive as her mom. She’s currently training to be a Wonderbolt. She likes to hang out with her buddies: Tough Stuff and Flawless Flash. They sometimes play pranks on other ponies, but they make sure that they don’t get out of hand. Peridot’s dream is to one day be one of the best Wonderbolts ever.