Yay, a few new doodles! Each of these were supposed to be their own picture but then I thought, why do that when I can bundle them up like this? Anyway, explanation time!
- Ash is fairly self conscious of his horns. They grow much longer than his daddy’s horn so he regularly goes out to shave them down to Minotaur length. But this takes place before he learned that trees don’t make good grinding spots. He has gotten stuck in trees before but he figured that the trees in the everfree Forest would be better than non-everfree trees. He was wrong and ends up meeting a new face.
Ash: [bored] Excuse me, sir or madam. Could you please help me get my horns out of his tree?
Anansi: … Is your mane on fire?!
note: Yes, his mane is on fire, which is why he very much would like someone to get him out of the tree. His mane fire doesn’t go out very easily and he doesn’t want to cause a forest fire.
- Sweet Deal and her baby bro, nameless. I haven’t decided what his name is yet but he’s a rascal. Here, he’s stolen his big sis’s diary(again) and is being threatened with figurative (and possible literal) death by scolding. He isn’t worried. He has several back up plans set up. He’s very resourceful.
Note: Nameless here is probably the reason Sweet Deal hates foals so much. They are touchy, nosy and are super annoying.
- Pinkie and her foals. Pinkie is explaining to her foals about a special ‘sense’ that all the Pies have. It’s not individualized like her pinkie sense or their aunt maud’s Maud sense. It’s a super special feeling one gets when they find their special somepony. While they won’t feel too much as foals, when they older, that niggling feeling will grow, leading them to their special somepony. Chocolate thinks he’s found his, Parfait is trying to think of a single pony who doesn’t give him that feeling and Honey has no clue what is going on.