VS: “Moonstone, did you get that book from the library? We should get back to the castle before anypony gets suspicious.“
MS: “Yes, Velvie…I mean Velvet! Let’s test out that new spell together!~“
VS: “Good. Let’s take the quickest way home!“
MS: “But Velvet, isn’t that where the elite mares hang out?”
VS: “Yes, but I have faith they will leave us alone today. I can just feel it!“
MS: “Okay, if you say so…“
(Moonstone and Velvet walk through Canterlot towards the castle)
VS: “Ah, a nice peaceful stroll through town always lifts my spirits!“
US: “Prince Velvet!“
VS: “Oh no…“
MS: (possessively grabs Velvet’s hoof)
(Mares crowd around Velvet)
US: “Velvie! Look at how regal I am!“
IC: “Oh please! You wouldn’t know regal if it puked in your caviar!“
US: “Is that a challenge?“
(Upscale and Clover start fighting)
WH: “Velvie, I can be your princess!“
MS: (grabs Well) “You get your hooves off my stallion! I love him for who he is and not for his royalty or his bits like YOU!“
WH: “Oh please! You’re just an uncivilized rock farmer who got lucky!“
MS: (punches Well’s face) “Wanna take that back?
WH: (sobbing) “D-don’t hurt me!“
MS: (points her horn at Well’s throat) “Touch Velvet or insult my family again and I’ll do worse!“
SS: (Thinking: “If I break this fight up Velvie will love me for sure!”) “Girls, please stop fighting!“
MS: (whistles)
G: (hisses and flies at silk)
G: (swarms around Silk’s head with his fangs bared)
IC: “Ew ew ew! A bat!“
WH: (screams)
US: (flails hooves in disgust)
VS: (cowering on the ground) “Oh Mother, help me…“
MS: (grabs Velvet’s hoof) “Let’s go.“
(Moonstone and Velvet flee while Gastón distracts the other mares)
MS: “So Velvet, didn’t I do great keeping those mares off of you? Gastón and I showed them!“
VS: (shaking fearfully in his bed) “I’m never leaving the castle again…”