The Filly’s heart sinks as she realizes what’s going on. “A-am I dead?”
The mare seems to go silent for a moment. “Yes. I’m afraid something terrible has happened to you.”
“So… is this why I can’t go back home?”
“Yes. it is. If you made your way off this island you may be able to find what used to be your home but you’ll never return to the life you once had.”
“So I… I can still come with you to your carnival?”
“Yes child.”
sniff…“I think I would like that.”
The mare opens the front door which seems to be bathed in a bright light, music plays from past the threshold.
Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GrS2rZPJGs
The Shadow ponies follow her through the door. The filly gets her doll and the hoofbox and follows the group though the door, leaving the quite lighthouse.
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