[bq=“chibibiscuit”]The warm days of summer had given way to the cool nights and evenings of autumn, and in the town square,
preparations were underway for the Fall Festival. It was tradition that the earth ponies of the town were in
charge of the hayride. Their numbers were few this year, as a recent pony pox epidemic had caused most of them
to cancel, leaving Cee to pull one of the wagons on his own. To his surprise, both his doting wife Tea and his two
best friends, Gold Dust and Fable Scholar, had made it out to support him – which of course meant being his
first passengers. The wagon creaked as the enormous unicorn settled in, followed almost immediately by the pair
of cheering pegasi. With a sigh, and a smile he couldn’t seem to fight, Cee turned, squared his shoulders and pulled.
It was going to be a long night.[/bq]