<ins>Based in the Chinese comic panels from:</ins>
BEFORE YOU START TYPING ANGRY COMMENTS, let me explain my change in genre and mood
<ins>After the victory of the Drumpf presidency*</ins>, I suddenly was feeling *depressed and pessimistic about the
upcoming dark future of this world. I had +*no longer* had much of the urge to draw any more _happy-go-lucky
comics_+, as I felt like I was lying to myself about how I feel over this grimdark path we may be heading. From a
<ins>fascist uprising of America</ins> to an even more <ins>disastrous climate change apocalypse</ins>, I initially felt like there
will be nothing left for this world anymore in a couple years. If this world does not get f&&ked over and things do
get better in the long-term, then I might change the mood in future comics….
But until then, I’m pouring out my grieving emotions in this series until a new progressive president comes into
the next term…<ins>or until this world explodes</ins>….or until I run out of dark OMQ comics to parody…. <ins>which</ins>
<ins>ever comes first</ins>…
(P.S. If you <ins>still don’t like the sudden change in mood</ins> in my new comics, you can unwatch this gallery and you
will never speak to me again…)
Click here for more Master Q Parodies
…or not….who cares?…