Applejack, Applebloom ,Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo witness Daisy Jo and Zecora become a Zebrow!
For them it’s was surprise and a shock,due to the fact they never seen or heard of a zebrow before!
Zecora: I wouldn’t believe it until now that I will be ever be part of a zerbow!
Daisy Jo: Yeah! Zebras are hard to come by around here doncha know.
Applejack: A ze-what?
Rainbow Dash: What’s a Zebrow?
Zecora: A Zebrow is what a zebra and a cow became,when they want to fuse with each other.
Daisy Jo: We’re also called Cowbras.
Apple Bloom: So that’s why you’ve two wanted to meet each other?!
Scootaloo: You don’t see that everyday?