There was once a lamia who thrived on the suffering of others, who’s scales were thicker than any armor and who’s coils were said to be able to crush anything or anypony unfortunate enough to catch his interest or cross his path.
There was once a goo pony who hungered for the denizens of Equestria, who’s liquid body shrugged off any attempts to fight her off and slipped past any attempts to escape from her, and could engulf and dissolve anypony in mere seconds.
Both targeted and hunted down by Princess Celestia, and knowing even as a team they couldn’t hope to defeat her, they opted instead to go on a reign of terror for as long as they could before she could catch up to them. At some point before being tracked down and exiled forever to Tartarus for their crimes they would sire a child…
Unfortunately she inherited her ability to turn acidic from her father, and her ability to constrict from her mother. In other words she’s about as harmful as a jar of peanut butter. Fricking genetics, man.
I’ve dubbed this hybrid the “slimia” :D