Name: Rarity
Race: Unicorn
Job: Red Mage (RDM)
Sub-Job: None
Weapon Type: Rapiers
Hometown: Crescent
Residence: Ponyville
If you were to ask her candidly, Rarity would not know exactly why she joined Twilight’s journey to stop the eternal night. However, she’s been more than willing to go out adventuring with her newfound allies. Since that long, fateful night, Rarity has met countless ponies to call companions across Equestria. One such ally is the since purified Princess of the Night herself, Luna. Her fate has slowly been intertwined with Luna’s as one of the Warriors of Darkness.
Her uppity nature hides a very caring and giving heart for those around her. She has a fondness for making clothes for others, be it for sale or for free. Her calling in life has been making wardrobes, and she’s been successful at making a living with her skills as both a designer and businessmare. Her adventuring has obviously gotten in the way of her business, but she still makes the time between missions to keep up to date with her boutique. Rarity has fought tooth and nail for what she has today, and not even the end of the world will stop her from her hard earned success.
Rarity learned to use the Rapier due to her noblemare upbringing. She decided if she were forced to learn to use a weapon (even if it was just for show), it should be as elegant as she is. Her dexterity with a needle is only matched by her dexterous swordplay. While her Magicks are not as powerful as her allies, she has a wide variety of offensive and supportive spells in addition to her sword. She can also cast spells in quicker succession than even her more proficient friends with Double Cast. At the start of her journey, she was limited to merely White, Black, and some Green Magicks, but as she progressed to through the ranks to Master, she gained access to Time and even some Arcane Spells (though still not as in depth as some of her allies).
Gold Rapier – A sword forged with the fires of a dedicated partner (underling?) of Twilight’s to look golden. It only marginally augments her magicks, but her sword training really shows its power and elegance in close combat. Even after finding better, more glamourous weapons, she occasionally falls back on this one for how reliable it has been.
Red Cape – Easily one of the reasons she became a red mage, the stylish cape. This one’s simplicity matches the function over form she was going for, but she makes another one before any major mission. Every finished creation is soon followed by a visit to the Alchemist for augmentation. She’s found a friend in Coco Pommel the Weaver for all her (and her allies) cloth armor needs, and after meeting, they collaborated on many capes suited for a Red Mage proper (even if she didn’t always get a chance to wear them herself).